Jörn Alexander Quent's notebook

where I share semi-interesting stuff from my work

Running large simulations on a desktop computer with R (tips & tricks)

Let me briefly describe what I learned while attempting to run a large simulation on my desktop computer as I think it might be useful to others. Here is the problem: I was forced to run a simulation on my desktop computer because brms couldn’t be installed on my department’s high performance computing (HPC) cluster. Read more →

A way to get MNI coordinates for subcortical voxels of a CIFTI file

What do I want to do? In this post, I will demonstrate how it is possible to use the R packages cifti and ciftiTools to get the MNI coordinates of the subcortical voxels in your CIFTI file. This table can then be used to select voxels based on their coordinates and do further things with them like creating masks. Read more →

Matlab function to create stacked texture maps for Unity

I’ve been experimenting with different materials and shaders in Unity recently. One problem is that especially if you want use the same texture for the same large object you get these nasty tiling effects: Luckily, I found this obscure shader on Unity’s GitHub page, which is amazing but it asked for something called a map texture, which took me ages to figure out. Read more →